Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 38

I listened to Brahms' third symphony today, and I have a lot to say about Brahms, his music and his philosophy...Just not tonight, have things to do and people to see.

Side One:
Piece: Symphony No. 3 in F-Major, Op. 90
1. Allegro con brio
2. Andante
Composer: Brahms
Performers: Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor: Karl Bohm
Record Date: None Given, my guess is old since it was "electronically" changed to "simulate stereo", meaning mono recording. So, recorded mid-sixties at the latest.

Side Two
Piece: Symphony No. 3 in F-Major, Op. 90
3. Poco allegretto
4. Allegro
Composer: Brahms
Performers: Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor: Karl Bohm
Record Date: Non-Given

The piece is good, in fact the fourth movement is amazing. The house of cards comes crashing down as soon as you think of other composers of the 1880's. It is then you know why everyone made fun of Brahms for writing such old fashioned music. And really he is, he sounds like Beethoven 70 years beforehand. To me though, in the end, there is an honesty to this piece, a feeling of "it may be old man's music, but it's my music, and damn it, it is good." I respect that, completely.

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