Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day 31

The issue of choosing a record to play has completely changed over the last couple of weeks. Whereas before I was limited to only two or three dozen records, I now have close to a thousand, most of which are on display in my dinning room. This brings up another problem; if I am to write about a new record every night (give or take), how am I to keep track over multiple years and thousands of records? I'm thinking of creating a database this weekend where I can track each record as I play them, but still not certain if that will be the best possible method. Any idea interwebs?

Side One
Pieces: Roman Carnival Overture, Op. 9; King Lear Overturn, Op. 4; Corsair Overturn, Op. 21]
Composer: Hector Berlioz
Orchestra: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor: Sir Thomas Beecham
Record Date: None Given, Pressing Date 1975 (must be much earlier since Beechman died in 1961)

Side Two
Pieces: Les Francs-Juges Overture, Op. 3; Waverley Overture, Op. 1
Composer: Hector Berlioz
Orchestra: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor: Sir Thomas Beecham
Record Date: None Given, Pressing Date 1975

I was not a fan; all and all maybe a 5.5 out of 10. But I will be the first to admit that I was busy with other things while the record played, and was unable to give it my full attention. Luckily I have plenty of Berlioz to go.

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